Site icon Rebecca Lee Robinson

Tea Makes Me


Tea is one of those almost bizarre human things that we gather around in ritual and enjoyment. Imagine the first person that decided to take a plant, dry it and throw it in a pot of hot water?

Well I am sure it was nothing that simple or elegant. Likely someone tried eating said plant, noticed it gave them energy, tried drying it, tried eating it, then tried water, tried it as powder, tried it……okay you get the idea.

Tea is this sort of elixir of life, it goes back centuries and it compels the drinker to ponder the world, ponder flavor, wake up, dream, and explore new things. With so many tea blends and kinds there are endless options in the world of tea!

My favorite place in Fort Collins is Happy Lucky’s Teahouse in Old Town. They are one of the first places I found when I moved to Fort Collins and they have become an absolute favorite over the years. I’m even lucky enough that they let me do their social media for them ;). They sell over 180 kinds of tea, which means there is something for everyone. Their funky and modern but relaxing design makes for a lovely sitting and sipping experience and I am friends with almost everyone on the staff. They are wonderful people that do a lot for the community and the world. 10% of their profits goes to Sustainable Schools International which helps educate and empower children in Cambodia. It’s pretty damn cool!

Before Happy Lucky’s I spent hours at Montague’s in Colorado Springs, and before them it was my kitchen and my living room in the mountains of the house I grew up in. Where tea parties were frequent and company split a pot with us.

Tea has been a constant event and enjoyment for myself, and I hope to enjoy it for years to come. As Happy Lucky’s Teahouse suggests, enjoy daily and nourish your happy.


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