Category: musings

  • When You Can’t Find It…Make It

    When You Can’t Find It…Make It

    Meaning I may make my wedding dress for less than $50….I call it a win

  • There will be tears

    There will be tears

    We’re really in love with this story in the United States. So many of our books and movies and cultural followings surround this idea. So I also bought into it. It has also been called the American Dream, and it’s so far entrenched in our culture that it’s hard to…

  • Gentrification in Fort Collins

    Gentrification in Fort Collins

    If you talk to long-time residents or past residents of the bay area in San Francisco you hear a lot of the same stories. Those that stayed and were able to support their families had to acclimate or start something with the big players of the area. Or to put is…

  • Land of Death and Destruction- Climate Anxiety

    Land of Death and Destruction- Climate Anxiety

    Terrible images flash into my mind of Mad Max, The Road, and the Book of Eli; desert landscapes, little hope, and near starvation. It’s an abysmal and depressing idea, that may be closer to reality than science-fiction.

  • Land of Enchantment Part III

    Land of Enchantment Part III

    The final day was spent starting the day with a trip to the last two museums on my list, the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture and the International Folk Art Museum.  The first was home to a massive amount of history and artwork dating back to prehistory and into…

  • Land of Enchantment

    Land of Enchantment

    A few weeks ago I had the great luxury of being able to go to Santa Fe on a road trip with my fiance. The main reason we were going was for a family get together/surprise 50th anniversary party for my Great Aunt and Uncle, the second reason was the…

  • Unless You’re Getting Married… It’s Not About You

    Unless You’re Getting Married… It’s Not About You

    The blog really should be summarized in the title. But since this is failing to get across to many people I have met over years, I now know that this is not always understood. WHICH IS FUCKING RIDICULOUS

  • Tea Makes Me

    Tea Makes Me

    Tea is one of those almost bizarre human things that we gather around in ritual and enjoyment. Imagine the first person that decided to take a plant, dry it and throw it in a pot of hot water? Well I am sure it was nothing that simple or elegant. Likely…

  • What I’ve Learned From Travelling….

    What I’ve Learned From Travelling….

    …to be a better traveler. A friend posted on Facebook just now…which inspired this post, that she, after travelling part of Europe HATED her massive luggage that she took and never wants to travel with it again. To which I reply….well duh! However, 6 years ago I learned this lesson…

  • Lifelong Learning- Why We All Should

    Lifelong Learning- Why We All Should

    I was listening to NPR on Sunday, and not that that’s surprising because of all the media I listen to NPR is the most common. Anyway, they were discussing the media bubble that is creating difficulties for NPR to make money and the conflicts of podcasts etc. Which is really…